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What is it?

In the context of international standards, a Management Review refers to a formal process where top management of an organization evaluates the performance, effectiveness, and suitability of its management system. This process is a requirement in many international standards, including ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems), among others. It can apply to standards other than those relating to management systems. The approach might need to be adapted for this purpose.

Key aspects

Purpose and Objectives

The primary purpose of a Management Review is to assess the organization’s management system, identify areas for improvement, and ensure its continued suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness in achieving organizational objectives and meeting stakeholder requirements.

Frequency and Timing

Management Reviews are typically conducted at planned intervals, which may be determined by the organization’s needs, objectives, and the requirements of the applicable international standard. The frequency of may vary depending on factors such as the organization’s size, complexity, and risk profile.


The Management Review is typically attended by top management or leadership team members responsible for overseeing the organization’s management system. This may include executives, directors, senior managers, and other relevant stakeholders who have the authority and responsibility to make decisions about the management system.

Agenda and Topics

The agenda for a Management Review may include various topics related to the organization’s management system, such as the following.

  • Review of the organization’s performance against its objectives, targets, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of management system processes and controls.
  • Examination of internal and external issues affecting the organization and its management system.
  • Assessment of compliance with legal, regulatory, and other requirements relevant to the management system.
  • Analysis of data and information related to customer feedback, internal audits, corrective actions, and other relevant metrics.
  • Consideration of opportunities for improvement and actions to address identified gaps, risks, or nonconformities.

See detailed agenda for a Management Review Meeting.

Documentation and Records

The outcomes of the Management Review, including decisions, actions, and recommendations, are documented and recorded. This documentation serves as evidence of the organization’s commitment to continual improvement and compliance with the requirements of the applicable international standard.

Follow-up and Implementation

Management Review outcomes may include decisions and actions related to improvement initiatives, resource allocation, process changes, or strategic direction. It is essential to follow up on these decisions and ensure their effective implementation to drive continuous improvement and enhance the organization’s performance.

In summary

A Management Review is a critical component of the continual improvement process within an organization, providing a structured mechanism for top management to assess the performance and effectiveness of its management system and drive ongoing improvement efforts.

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